Olson Research Group
Awards: NIH R01 (2020-2023), NSF CAREER (2015-2020), Fulbright Research Scholar (Spring 2019)
Stochastic Agent-Based Models
What are the appropriate continuum level models that can be used to describe stochastic agent-based models? Do we know that we have the right long-term behavior or same stability of solutions? With former PhD student Dr. Michael Yereniuk, we have been developing different models to couple stochastic movement of agents or cells to a heterogeneous environment via neighborhood interactions and/or coupling with chemical concentrations in the environment.
Computationally Efficient Biofluid Simulations
How do we handle large, dense matrices common in low Reynolds number fluid-structure interactions? With former postdoc Prof. Minghao Wu Rostami, we have been studying computationally efficient algorithms utilizing the method of regularized stokeslets in combination with the kernel independent fast multipole method. We proposed optimal preconditioners when solving for the forces on the structure when the velocity/location of the structure is known.
Modeling Sperm Motility
We know calcium changes the beatform of the sperm flagellum, but what role does it play when swimming solo, as well as when swimming in a group and/or near boundaries such as a wall? With former postdocs, Profs. Lucia Carichino and Jianjun Huang, we utilize computational models to investigate attraction, calcium coupling, and wall interactions.
Optimizing Cartilage Tissue Regeneration
What are the critical factors that allow cartilage tissue to regenerate when cells are seeded in a 3-dimensional scaffold? In recent work with colleague Prof. Haider at NC State and former WPI postdoc Prof. Simone Cassani, we explored the role of scaffold porosity on nutrient diffusion and cell proliferation.
Mechanisms of Centrosome Movement
Developing experimentally relevant models, we are gaining a fundamental understanding of the key mechanisms involved in centrosome movement during cell division (mitosis). With PhD student Dayna Mercadante and the Manning lab at WPI, we are studying both normal cells and cancer cells where there are often additional centrosomes.

Swimming in a Brinkman Fluid
How does a small volume fraction of proteins in the fluid change emergent swimming speeds and attraction of swimmers? With former PhD student Prof. Nguyenho Ho and colleague Prof. Leiderman, we have developed new computational methods and asymptotic analysis to show how having a small amount of fibers can actually increase swimming speeds.