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PhD Students

Current Students

Dane Johnson

      - Mathematical Sciences

      - Expected graduation May 2025

      - Research: permeable tube networks​

Former Students

1.) Nguyenho Ho, PhD 

        - Mathematical Sciences, May 2016

        - Dissertation: Swimming filaments in a viscous fluid with resistance

        - After WPI: University of Cincinnati, Bridgewater State)

2.) Michael Yereniuk, PhD  

       - Mathematical Sciences, May 2020

       - Research areas - analysis of random walk models of biological processes

       - Funding: SMART fellowship! 

      - After WPI: Researcher at U.S. Army, The Research and Analysis Center (TRAC)


3.) Dayna Mercadant

      - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, May 2023

      - Research: biophysical models of cellular division

      - Funding: NSF fellowship (GRFP)! 

     - After WPI: Eagleton Science and Politics Fellow


4.) Derek Drumm

      - Mathematical Sciences, August 2024

      - Research areas: shape optimization and Lagrangian coherent structures




* Rui Yu  (2016)

* Junchi Zhang (2015)

* Dylan O'Connell (2014)

* Liwei Chen (2014)

* Yunyun Zhang (2013)

MS Students (project option)

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